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Julkaisun nimi: 学校隔离和教育成果下降:赫尔辛基高级综合学校的城市和学校隔离和社区影响的可能性分析
Tekija: Suomalainen,阿伊努人
Muu tekija: Helsingin yliopisto, Matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta
赫尔辛弗斯大学,Matematisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Julkaisija: Helsingin yliopisto
Paivays: 2020
Kieli: 英格
URI: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:hulib-202008213809
塔索(taso) Opinnaytteen: 箴gradu -tutkielmat
Koulutusohjelma: Kaupunkitutkimuksen ja sunnittelun maisteriohjelma
Magisterprogrammet i urbana study och planering
Opintosuunta: USP人民
Oppiaine: 没有一个
Tiivistelma: 本硕士论文研究赫尔辛基高级综合学校教育结果负面变化的相关机制。在七年级到九年级的过渡期间,个别学生的教育结果发生负面变化的相关因素是什么?在赫尔辛基大都市区,社会经济和种族隔离日益严重,在整个21世纪,学校成功程度的差异也在不断扩大。在芬兰,关于学校和城市发展相结合的研究很少。目的是研究个人教育结果下降与社会空间或学校隔离之间是否存在联系,并研究个人因素和社会环境在教育结果下降中的作用。研究小学生和学校是了解当地分化过程和邻里影响的一个好方法,因为儿童和青年由于其正在进行的社会化进程、在其邻里的局部生活和共享的机构,如学校,特别容易受到邻里和学校的影响。本研究是定量研究,主要方法是层次线性回归。数据来自芬兰都市纵向研究,该研究研究赫尔辛基都市地区高级综合学校学生的成功和幸福。这项研究是在2011年秋季和2014年春季进行的,当时这些学生正在上七年级和九年级。结果表明,不同学校之间没有发现差异,但一些描述社区的品质表明,可能会发现一些社区效应。 There are indications that pupils with decreased educational outcomes are more likely to study in schools that are located in low income areas than higher income areas. Also, for pupils with decreased educational outcomes, attending a school that is located in Northern or Southeastern Great districts is more likely than attending a school in Eastern Great district. Based on the results, pupils with negative change in educational outcomes are more likely to spend time with friends of own area than with school friends. Boys have a bigger risk for a negative change in educational outcomes than girls, and the change of school is connected to decreased educational outcomes. Mother’s education and immigration background was not found to have connection with decreased educational outcomes. Decreased educational outcomes have a connection with a low parents’ pedagogical ethos, but no connection with peers’ pedagogical ethos was found. The results are significant from the perspective of urban and educational politics and planning. The indications that the educational outcomes in upper comprehensive schools in Helsinki are differentiated in neighborhood level for example between Great districts, and in individual level between genders, challenge the goals of equal educational opportunities. Also, urban planning should be targeted to prevent socio-spatial differentiation of neighborhoods, in order to combat differentiation in schools’ composition of pupils. In future research, the starting level of educational success could be studied more closely- does decrease in educational outcomes implicate different educational paths for pupils that start with high starting level than pupils that have lower starting level in the beginning? This study provided information that there are no differences between schools found currently, but the processes of differentiation are not stable, so the processes should be observed continuously.
Avainsanat: 种族隔离


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